Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Midterm grading

In the evaluation of the midterm essays, your own critique has a higher percentage than the theoretical references. Out of 10:
1 point +1 point for 2 class material references.
8 points for the deep analysis of the work and reflections on the work
In the final exam, the opposite will be applied.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The MIDTERM guidelines

Dear All,

The midterm will be composed of 2 assignments that will create %30 percent of your final grade.
The first assignment is the same for all. 

1st Assignment:

The first assignment is to write a 1000-1500 word essay analyzing a work you pick from the Roving Eye exhibition taking place at ARTER which we visited together last week. Please do not pick multiple works or write a general essay on the exhibition itself. It is important that you analyze ONE artwork and analyze it deeply. In this essay, in addition to your personal reflections on the work, I want you to refer to our reading material TWICE. Feel free to provide more reference points.

For example the below points can be explored;

-What materials are used, why? Exploring the concept of "economy of means" through the work.
-The size, the name, the placement within the space... Why do you think these specific decisions were made? 
-Conceptual relations to other work in the same room.
-Your reflections, references...
-2 References to class material. It can be articles (for example our conceptual art readings) or artworks.
-Analyzing the work in the light of the conceptual framework provided in the booklet.
-Do you think it is a good artwork, why? If it is not why? Could it be realized in a different way?

The deadline for the first assignment is November 20th. If you deliver your assignment late, %10 will be cut off from your grade for every week of delay time.

2nd Assignment:

For the second assignment you will write 1 additional 1000-1500 word essay on a topic you will propose yourselves. It can again be an artwork reading from an exhibition you have visited just like the above essay (another essay about a work from the ARTER exhibition will be accepted. I can advise more shows that you can explore as well) or it can be a statement of your own art projects... In short, any contemporary art related topic that you can relate to our class material is welcome.
Please make sure that you check in your essay topic with me before you hand it in.
For example, I do not accept essays written on works you see on the internet.
The deadline for the second assignment is December 11th.

Those of you who already have a specific topic as their assignment, you can write it as a single 2000-2500 word essay or write the first essay as everybody else and then prepare it as a 1000-1500 word second essay.

Thursday, October 2, 2014